Off to Houston

Mrs. Charm’s lymphoma cancer, which had been in remission since February, is back with a vengeance and her local docs are punting her to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

We’ll be leaving soon and living in a hotel there for the foreseeable future. So posting will be light, if at all. Hang in there, rare readers. Back when we can be.

UPDATE:  We haven’t left yet. Earliest Mrs. C. is scheduled for now is the 13th for an evaluation. Her local doc was fairly frantic to get her in before that but, so far, no joy.

I can’t help wondering why she didn’t give us a local referral. M.D. Anderson ain’t magic, whatever the Saudi princes and South American dictators who go there think. Austin ain’t Podunk in cancer treatment. But I’m a follower this time.

11 responses to “Off to Houston

  1. MD Anderson is the best, God bless you. Houston is not too bad, except in August-September. Just hang on and don’t try to walk around. Just remember, MD Anderson is the absolute, No. 1, best in the world.

  2. I know. I used to be a medical writer. Thanks for the comment.

  3. Aah Geez,
    I’ll be thinking good thoughts.

  4. May good fortune be visited upon you.

  5. Thanks, Chaz and your majesty.

  6. Positive thoughts and sincere prayers headed your way.

  7. Best wishes to you and prayers for you.

  8. I’ll be thinking about you and Ms. Charm…

  9. Thanks, guys. Appreciate it.

  10. BTW – my step-daughter-in-law is a nurse there at MDA. Vanessa Duncan. If you should happen to run into her, not likely due to the size of the place, say hidy.