Monthly Archives: February 2012

Science Fiction Recommendations

I’ve finished several new ones lately, some I’ve reviewed at Amazon and others I haven’t, either for lack of time or indecision about how to put my conclusions about them. Even when I enjoyed them as much as I did these.

Ashes of Candesce seems to be the end of an incredibly imaginative five-part series. Count to A Trillion is another dandy, also a far-future story, that won’t lose your interest.

Then, there’s Night Trains, a time-travel tale, the sort of thing I don’t normally read but I’m glad I read this one. And Chronospace, another time-traveler. Hmm. I guess I do read them.

And, of course, there’s In The Lion’s Mouth, the latest installment of an absorbing Celtic space-opera series. And, while you’re at it, don’t miss Permanence, more far-future story-telling worth your time.

Or you could take the more classic, Instapundit recommendations route.

Betty Brosmer: Rule 5

Nope, we never tire of Betty around here at the rancho. Well, not me.

Wyoming prepares for the worst

The Wyoming legislature’s new doomsday bill may be overblown. They might need an army, an aircraft carrier (!) and their own currency?

On the other hand, the national debt does stand at an unprecedented $15 trillion, and the MSM keeps looking the other way—letting Obozo lie about what he’s doing while the missus keeps taking expensive vacations on our dime.

Meanwhile, gasoline is now above $5 a gallon in Los Angeles. Where, indeed, will it end?

Concludes VDH:  Probably near $10 a gallon.

Via Instapundit.

The economy’s problems are just bad luck

Well, we knew it couldn’t be Obozo’s fault. He’s still blaming Bush for everything bad that happens.

And when that doesn’t work, he just flat-out lies about it. Including his new corporate tax break. He’ll match that by quietly tripling taxes on stock dividends which will ultimately hurt every retiree drawing income from a 401K. Yeah, that’ll fix consumer spending.

Had enough hope and change yet? Me, too.

Via Instapundit.

Beware Muslim judges, the American ones

If, that is, you have chosen to do what no American political comedian dares to do, i.e. mock the Prophet Mohammed.

Like this poor fellow in Pennsylvania. The self-identified Muslim-American judge let his Muslim attacker off and, instead, berated the victim in court. Smooth, yes?

Mock Jesus, sure, no problem. Moses? He’s all yours. The “edgy” American political comedians do them all the time. But Mohammed? Not on your life. Or theirs.

UPDATE:  Now the judge claims he’s a Lutheran. But he’s still bashing the victim. Can’t insult them Mooslems. No, sir.

I’m a Knicks fan now

I haven’t cared much for basketball since Mr. B. stopped playing the local youth version, but New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin has changed that.

I will now track down and watch any game he plays in. Not only because he’s so good, and such a team-player with his assists, but for the novelty of watching this Asian-American in an African-American-dominated sport.

His is also a fascinating success story, from the bench to stardom in a few weeks, and by all accounts he’s a very nice guy. He might even inspire Mr. B. to get back in the game. I hope so. But time will tell.

Michelle Antoinette on, what else, vacation

Friends of ours, whose son is one of Mr. Boy’s chums from Kindergarten days, returned Monday from their weekend ski trip to Aspen. They report no sign of Michelle Antoinette, our ever-vacationing First, ahem, Lady. So this is not a surprise.

Our friends made their money the old-fashioned way: they earned it. Queen Michelle just charges everything to the taxpayers. While her husband runs for re-election as a champion of the poor and the middle-class—terms which, thanks to him, are becoming synonymous. And gas prices already above $4 a gallon will quash vacations this summer for many of the little people.