Category Archives: Sailing

Clothes coming late

At least Woman Within was honest about it. Got an email from them today saying the clothes I ordered for Bar a week ago won’t be arriving before the middle of December. If then. Probably stuck in one of those containers on boats off the Port of Los Angeles. Who even knew L.A. had a port? You have to wonder why they would ignore Lyin’ Biden. But who doesn’t?

Via PJMedia

Boats swamped & sunk

The Trump parade of boats on Lake Travis this morning got a little hairy when some boats were swamped and even sunk and their occupants needed rescuing. No injuries reported, though, and that’s good news.

Home again

“Home is the sailor, home from the sea…” sure feels like a sailor long at sea, after our thousand mile (at least) and seven-day trek by Amtrak. The room is swaying. That last stretch was eighteen hours from El Paso. I’m unsteady on my feet. Only wish the chair would stop moving.

(to be continued)

UPDATE:  Day two. The room has stopped moving and my legs pretty much.

The Fitzgerald

A warship doomed by ‘confusion, indecision, and ultimately panic’ on the bridge.

The Navy she has become a sloppy ship. The Fitz was the second destroyer hit by  a tanker merchant ship, this time in broad daylight, in three months in 2017.

Via the good journalists at the Navy Times

UPDATE:  “There was debris everywhere,” Fort said under oath of the destroyer’s Combat Information Center. “Food debris, food waste, uneaten food, half-eaten food, personal gear in the form of books, workout gear, workout bands, kettlebells, weightlifting equipment, the status boards had graffiti on them. I’d never seen a CIC like that in my entire time in the Navy,” the surface warfare officer of more than 25 years recollected.

Titanic risk of Arctic cruises

Scheduling an Arctic pleasure cruise? Better think again.

“Tero Vauraste, boss of Finnish shipping firm Arctia, warned there would be little authorities could do if a ship got into distress there, due to the lack of infrastructure. ‘The Northwest Passage is thousands and thousands of nautical miles with absolutely nothing,’ he said.”

Moreover, technology is self-limiting in that region, according to Vauraste:

“Navigation in icy waters is made more difficult by poor satellite imagery. An ice field might move at a speed of 4-5 knots, but a ship will receive a satellite picture of it that is 10-20 hours old.”

Via FoxNews.

Our inept Navy


You could blame Obumbles. Lots of people are. But it was our allegedly mighty Navy that made the mess he only stepped in. Presumably the immediate, on-scene commander of this humiliation has been relieved and is awaiting courts martial and a ruined career. They do that to commanders whose boats merely run aground. Not to mention the chatty noncom who ought to be booted.

Via PowerLine & Mouth of the Brazos

UPDATE:  Instead of competence, this is what they focus on.

Bigger than Dunkirk

A video that’s been around at least since 2007, but I never saw it before Friday.

It teaches a great lesson in the heroism of the common man. As its epigraph says: A hero is a man who does what he can.