The colonizers

That’s what the anti-Israel, pro-Hamas, protestors on American college campuses call the Israelis these days. Actually, Eretz Israel, Hebrew for the Land of Israel, was the 2,000+ years old birthplace of the Jewish people. Making the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians the actual colonizers, coming late to the party.

Degenerate animals

“To be clear, there is no animal species, no predator, anywhere near as cruel, as heartless, as vicious, as ignorant, as the Muslims who carried out the atrocities of October 7–and the much larger number of Muslims and Western liberals in the press, at Harvard, Penn, MIT, etc., who cheered those atrocities. No animal species has sunk that low.

“What accounts for this savagery? The sick culture that prevails among the so-called Palestinians, and that especially dominates Gaza. The Gazans are lost in hate and have been trained to do evil from childhood. It is that culture that must be destroyed, not the political organization of Hamas, which is a symptom not a cause.”

Via Powerline Blog

The War of Seven Fronts

That’s how IDF chief of staff Halevi sees it, according to the Times of Israel.

Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Judea and Samariah (the West Bank), Iraq, Yemen and Iran have all targeted Israel in recent days and the Israel Defense Forces has responded and acted on six of them so far.

Just close the damn border

Eight million is enough. We already have tent cities. Move your lyin’, pedophiliac butt, Biden.

Here? Of course.

South Austin Muslim on terror watchlist murders swat cop and two hostages & had bomb making materials. Thanks Joe, for opening the border. You moron.

Via PJMedia

Weird chemical smell

In our two-sided (also called French Door) refrigerator. So weird that Bar insisted the smell had permeated leftovers under seal. So I, who also smelled it, and thought it was sort of a paint-thinner smell, but wasn’t particularly bothered by it, called for repairs.

And got one guy who couldn’t smell the smell and so didn’t charge us anything but also left without doing anything. The smell seemed to intensify so I tried a new repair outfit. Which charged $95 for a variety of tests, the use of some specialty electronics, and some disassembly (and reassembly) but the guy couldn’t find the source–or smell it, either, for that matter.

Fortunately the daughter/step-niece thought she smelled it. So we weren’t crazy. Maybe.

After a brief debate over the idea of selling the fridge and buying a new $700 one, I read some posts on Google that said fruit could emit a sharp, chemical smell when it decayed. Remove anything with fur on it, joked one poster.

Sure enough I found two large oranges covered with white fur in one of the crispers (the see-through plastic drawers) and put them in the trash. Soon enough the trashcan developed the paint-thinner smell. So I took them to the dumpster outside.

And with the help of the step-daughter cleaning out the fridge the smell has dissipated. I only mourn my missing $95. But with gratitude that it wasn’t $700 plus tax. So far.

UPDATE: Six plus weeks later, the smell has dissipated but still remains. We’re putting up with it for now.

Israel’s 15 ceasefires

Palestinians broke each one.

Via Instapundit