Category Archives: Iraq

The Afghan bugout

The Afghan bugout really isn’t political. Trump intended to withdraw, until he got bogged down in fighting impeachment. The pity of it all is it shows how incompetent our military and intelligence leaders are. They led us into another endless war that went nowhere. And ended up abandoning the people who had come to depend on us, who will now be murdered. No wonder there’s so many Afghan and Iraq veteran suicides. 

UPDATE: This essay speaks to the veteran anguish that another endless war ending in collapse induces. Some of us will no doubt experience a reoccurrence of ptsd in the next few days, but hopefully not longer.

Trump kept us out of war

A new war, that is, as he tried to end Iraq and Afghanistan, despite the military-industrial complex fighting to maintain the fighting and spending and profiting. First president in many years not to start a new war.

The horrors to come

“The enemy we have been fighting all this time is only the most brutal, radical and impatient, relentless and daring part of the horde that is breaking across Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and America. This is a clash of civilizations. The thousands dead on 9/11 and the thousands more dead since then, are only a small down payment on the horrors to come…While we spend fortunes to build nations, the horde is building its own nations in the cities of Europe and in the old manufacturing centers of America…”

Hence anti-Semites like Congresswoman Illan Omar are on the rise.

Via Sultan Knish

Pedo Joe ignores reality

Biden basically created ISIS, says former defense secretary and Marine general Jim Mattis.

Biden, not Trump, has the blood of millions on his hands.

Via Instapundit

Veterans Parking

Pulled into Lowe’s the other morning to buy an extra ceiling fan to replace one that’s caving after about sixteen years of faithful service. Started down the parking aisle when I spotted two signs at two spots at the front.

“Veterans Parking Only,” they read, “Thank you for your service.” A waving American flag topped the signs.

Probably meant for new veterans of the Middle East, I thought, not old farts from Viet Nam like me. Still, I’m a genuine veteran, so I parked in one of the two empty spots. All set to whip out my VA card should it become necessary. It didn’t.

Thanks Lowe’s!

Refugee refusal

I liked this idea when Trump first raised it during his campaign. I still like it despite the turmoil his executive order closing the door to refugees apparently has created at some airports here and elsewhere. It was bound to cause problems. The only way to avoid them would be to continue the refugee influx.

Which I never quite understood to begin with. I recall the Vietnamese refugee situation in the 1970s and early 80s when National Guard bases in Arkansas and Pennsylvania were used to house them until sponsors could be found for each family and the guarantee of a job. But that was a different age it seems.

Barry Hussein seems to have been dumping them into small American towns, particularly in the midwest, without much if any planning. Of course he wouldn’t have sought to bother the coastal cities, where most of his party’s votes come from. He was by far the most partisan president in a generation.

Just why we are supposed to take these people, most of them Middle Eastern Muslims, has never been clear to me. Because of the fighting in Iraq and Syria? Barry’s policies created the refugee problems in both those places. Perhaps that’s why he felt the need to take them. But that’s his problem. It shouldn’t be ours.

Via Drudge Report

UPDATE: Dilbert creator and Trump supporter Scott Adams on Trump’s strategy. I just hope that in negotiating back to the middle we don’t wind up with more refugees. Send ’em to Europe. Let the Germs be overwhelmed. They haven’t atoned near enough for the Holocaust. Give it another thousand years.

MEMRI’s greatest hits

MEMRI, an outfit which translates the Arab world to show us their true attitudes behind the platitudes our pols and the dictator’s club hand us, occasionally hits the jackpot. As they did here. Watch these talk show clowns throw coffee and punches. You’ll see why Israel has so little hope of ever making peace with them.