Category Archives: Iran

The War of Seven Fronts

That’s how IDF chief of staff Halevi sees it, according to the Times of Israel.

Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Judea and Samariah (the West Bank), Iraq, Yemen and Iran have all targeted Israel in recent days and the Israel Defense Forces has responded and acted on six of them so far.

If the Biden circus comes to town

“We know about the Dems in charge. They’ve promised higher taxes, nonstop wokeness and virtue signaling, more climate hysteria (here’s looking at you John “reporting-for-duty” Kerry), more Mullah-coddling and China-appeasing, and hordes of new Democratic voters hustled over our Southern border.

“They have also promised to regulate coal and fracking and fossil fuels out of economic contention, which is another salient in their attack on prosperity itself. (Remember John Holdren, Obama’s prophet of “a massive campaign to de-develop” the United States? He would be back in a Biden administration.)”

Goodbye middle- and working-classes. Onto the dole you go.

Via Roger Kimball in the Epoch Times

Mass graves in Iran

Iran is an underdeveloped, impoverished dictatorship, of which we are none, so even though it’s a tragedy for Iranians, we’re not likely to suffer similarly.

Via Instapundit

Best headlines

Tablet, Jan. 14: Obama Passed The Buck. Trump Refused to Play.

Subhead: The Iran deal was never meant to stop Iran from building a bomb—it was supposed to delay it until disaster happened on someone else’s watch.

Typical politician.

Via Tablet

Remember Muammar

The usual anti-Trump screamers berating him for murdering the Iranian terror general are conveniently forgetting Bronco Bama’s murder of Muammar Gaddafi, who wasn’t just a general but a head of state—Libya’s dictator. And who was just coming around to aiding us in our terror fight.

Unwarranted Fear

Bar, never one to pay too much attention to the news media (bless her heart) is suddenly hearing the screamers and is worried about what Iran may do to us for Trump’s assassination of the terror generals. Nothing, I say, at least not here in the relatively sparsely populated middle of the country.

Iran is a poor police state with little in the way of technology, no air force to speak of, no navy, and above all no intercontinental ballistic missiles. Even if they finally (after years of bluster) build a nuke, putting it atop an ICBM to withstand launch and flight is almost as hard as making the ICBM. So no worries, unless you live nearby. And we don’t.

Spengler has it right, though. The Iranian regime is mad. We’ve been at war with them since long before 9-11. Preemptive destruction of their nuclear facilities would be wise. And the sooner the better.

Via PJMedia

The horrors to come

“The enemy we have been fighting all this time is only the most brutal, radical and impatient, relentless and daring part of the horde that is breaking across Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and America. This is a clash of civilizations. The thousands dead on 9/11 and the thousands more dead since then, are only a small down payment on the horrors to come…While we spend fortunes to build nations, the horde is building its own nations in the cities of Europe and in the old manufacturing centers of America…”

Hence anti-Semites like Congresswoman Illan Omar are on the rise.

Via Sultan Knish