Category Archives: Slick Willie

Drudge sucks

It’s a clone of Newsweak, the establishment rag it once scooped on Monica and Slick Willie. Not quite as rotten as it was a few years ago, pounding on Trump every day, but it’s still downplaying (way down) the Durham bombshell of Felonia paying a computer guy to invade the White House servers. Pity.

UPDATE: Issues & Insights was onto this as well: “Yet today, it is the Drudge Report that is Newsweek.”


“Whom the gods would destroy, they first make ridiculous. In this case, the ruling class is doing it to itself.”

Via Instapundit

Oh Happy Day

“A U.S. judge ordered the Justice and State departments Thursday to reopen an inquiry into whether Hillary Clinton used a private email server while secretary of state to deliberately evade public records laws, and to answer whether the agencies acted in bad faith by not telling a court for months that they had asked in mid-2014 for missing emails to be returned.”

Now, will it (or they) go anywhere meaningful? Wait and see.

Via Chicago Tribune& Twitchy

UPDATE:  Just a coincidence? IRS prosecutors are ready to pounce on the Clinton Foundation for back taxes. Slick Willie’s been playing fast and loose with the “charity.” This may be a bone the elite throw to us pleebs, letting the mrs skate on everything else. As Glenn Reynolds has said: “We have the worst political class ever, but the Clintons are the worst of the worst.”

Felonia’s flop tour

Ol’ Lock-Her-Up can’t fill a 19,000 seat arena. Can’t come close. Then she fell into a coughing fit on the opening of her Trump trashing tour to raise some coin for her and Slick Willie to squander.

Via Zero Hedge

Sheld Nails Her

Liz Sheld, PJMedia’s Live Blog-ger nails the Hildabeast to the wall with this line:

“… that dried up bag of drunken failure…”

Oh yeah.

Via PJMedia

Drunk as a skunk as usual

Seen some very funny videos of Slick Willie’s missus pratfalling down some stone steps in Mumbai. Twice in the space of ten seconds. Like her other pratfalls down wooden steps and a concrete curb during her (snort) campaign for prez.

It would behoove her to stay out of the public view until she sobers up. But she can’t help herself. She’s drunk as a skunk most of the time. Apparently.

Via Twitter

UPDATE:  HRC fractures wrist slipping in India resort bathtub. Obviously she didn’t sober up even after the stone stairs fiasco.


Slick Willie’s Memorial