Category Archives: Political corruption

Just close the damn border

Eight million is enough. We already have tent cities. Move your lyin’, pedophiliac butt, Biden.

Here? Of course.

South Austin Muslim on terror watchlist murders swat cop and two hostages & had bomb making materials. Thanks Joe, for opening the border. You moron.

Via PJMedia

Rich men north of Richmond

In other words, the clowns and crooks in D.C. and farther north. Our clowns.

As usual, I’m a little late to the party: Great song by Oliver Anthony, our new Woody Guthrie.

The feds are after ceiling fans

First it was gas stoves Biden’s bureaucrats wanted to ban. For the climate hoax. Now they’re coming after ceiling fans. Which will mainly put small manufacturers out of business. Not that the New Democrat Party’s big corporate backers will care.

UPDATE: There is an outfit that’s fighting back.

One more indictment

One more indictment, Trump says, and he has the ’94 presidential election wrapped up. Heh. That would be four.

UPDATE: Four dropped. This one from Georgia. He’s still feisty.

Fighting censorship

RFKJ, fighting back against his Democrat opponents trying to censor his views: Kennedy remarked near the end of the hearing that “a government that can censor its critics has license for every atrocity – it is the beginning of totalitarianism.”

Don’t we know it.

Not our finest hour

The lockdowns that destroyed relationships and livlihoods:

“…fewer people die from natural disasters in countries with laws that restrict the power of national leaders during an emergency. If leaders are unconstrained—if they can suspend people’s personal and economic liberties—then the disruptions hinder people’s voluntary efforts to deal with the disaster. After a hurricane, for instance, local officials and citizens will normally aid their stricken neighbors, but they’re less inclined to act if the national government takes charge by suspending property rights to commandeer boats, vehicles, and other local resources. “Civil society is more likely to help if the authorities are not allowed to run roughshod over private citizens,” Bjørnskov says. “It is also much more likely that the authorities will misuse their emergency powers for their own uses, diverting resources toward purposes that have nothing to do with the emergency. They increase spending and regulation, and it takes longer for the country to get back to normal.”

Via City Journal