Category Archives: Cataracts

Cataract success

My new no-cataract lenses are coming along swimmingly. No problems with displacement or anything else. Slight lensing, i.e. curvature of the view on the outside of both eyes, but not distracting and expected to resolve in a few months.

Cataract windup

Met with the surgeon the other day who said everything looks good with my eyes and I can proceed to get new glasses. Ordered a regular prescription pair and prescription sunglasses for a whopping total of $2,000. How much of that is inflation? Will see the surgeon again a year from now. Meanwhile, Barbara Ellen will start with her cataract eye exams in a couple of weeks.

UPDATE: She passed. No cataracts. Just needs new glasses.

Eye surgery

It’s difficult to write this, as the left eye is very blurry and the other is pretty clear. The one-eyed man and all that. Post-op conversation with the surgeon revealed that the left-eye cataracts were thick and required some unusual work to remove. So he was glad I was under full anesthesia. He installed a thin cover over the new lens which may fall out after a few days or wait until he removes it next week. Blurriness will continue for about four more days. Otherwise I should be seeing better soon and best after a prescription for new glasses. At least I won’t be gradually going blind from cataracts. So the future looks bright and I’ll have to wear shades. So to speak.

Cataract surgery

Tomorrow at sometime after 10:30 a.m. when I’m supposed to arrive at the Bailey Square surgery center. It will be on my left eye, under full anesthesia, a relief as that one is quite foggy and getting foggier. The new lens in the right eye seems to be working okay, though I’m still going to need glasses.

UPDATE: It went well under full anesthesia. More later.

Left eye surgery

Now scheduled for the 29th. Full anesthesia, I hope, so we don’t have to go through the rigmarole of the right eye surgery. Timely, as the left eye is getting very blurry with cataracts.

The surgery virgin

I made it through the eye surgery with no pain and no recall at all. I was out for the count under full anesthesia. The retina surgeon said later that he didn’t suture down the moved lens but merely moved it to a better place that he thinks will hold and improve. Said he was mitigating risk, as my old eye structures would make the sutures riskier. So I’m no longer a surgery virgin, but I don’t feel violated. Now to keep my fingers off the eye for the week the surgeon said it would take to settle down. I’m wearing the glasses I had stopped wearing to help keep the eye safe.

Eye Surgery

It’s going to be more complicated than the cataract surgery last time, the retina specialist said this morning. More invasive. Full anesthesia, which is good. I won’t be squinting and damaging more tissue and they won’t have to tie my hands down again. Not messing with the retina, which is fine, just that a retina surgeon has more experience at meticulous work inside the eye. He’s going to try and save the new lens the cataract surgeon installed but may have to replace it, which will take longer. But I won’t care because I’ll be out of it. So we’re off to the races on March 1. Quite an adventure for a surgery virgin