Category Archives: Scribbles

Creative journalism

“Judd pieced together separate quotes like Frankenstein’s monster to create new, more damning quotes in his efforts to smear the Bulldogs football program as too tolerant toward players and recruits who assaulted women.”

Via PJMedia

A black man named Shane

It has to be the funniest name for a black movie character ever. Shane Ross is the name of a young black surgeon on Grey’s Anatomy. I love the show, especially the black authority figures like chief surgeon Richard Webber. But Shane? Come on. His parents, supposedly, named him for an aging white gunslinger in a 1950s western movie. Deshawn, maybe, but Shane? Heh. Please.


Years ago when I was a captain soon to leave the Army, I wanted a job with Associated Press in West Virginia (where I was living at the time) but they turned me down for not enough daily reporting experience. I had only worked for weeklies before being drafted in 1967.

At the same time United Press International offered me a job. But I had to relocate to Pittsburgh. So I took a Charleston, WV TV reporting job instead and eventually got into daily newspapers. Always have wondered what the UPI job might have been like. Not to mention Pittsburgh. UPI apparently still strives for objectivity. While AP has joined the Fake News in harassing Trump.

The con artists in DC

“I don’t care if Donald Trump had the entire national archives moved to his southern/winter White House. He is more trustworthy and competent than all the con artists in DC put together.” —Randy Quaid on Twatter.

Fake News

USA Today (the Gannett chain’s flagship newspaper) fires reporter Gabriela Miranda and removes 23 of her articles after discovering she fabricated sources. Reminds me of a local fellow I know who had the same problem with the same result.


Now here’s an idea, move the blog to Substack and (potentially) get paid by subscribers who want to pay to read my undying prose. Hmm. Not likely, as I haven’t drawn many steady readers here for free. But it’s an idea worth pursuing if I can come up with a new format and focus for them. Say, on Reiki, perhaps. Or after-death communication. Something I care enough about to write interesting articles. We shall see.

Newspaperman, A Memoir

My old editor Don Hatfield is very kind to me, one of his first hires at the defunct Huntington (WVA) Advertiser, and herein captures perfectly my angry young combat veteran’s flippant attitude.

Don had a roguish air about himself back then in 1973, with long dark hair perpetually falling over one eye. But I learned from him and his young editors not to editorialize in news copy, as is unfortunately too common today. “If you don’t put it in, I can’t take it out,” one of them told me.

I was determined to write fiction on the side and my opinions sometimes leaked into my reporting. I soon moved on but was so infected by Don and the newspaper virus that I stayed in the biz for 32 more years. I didn’t actually publish any fiction until the advent of Amazon’s CreateSpace.

Striving for objectivity in the gathering and presentation of the news may not be so common nowadays but it is of the most benefit to any community and that was the nobler game Don was always after. His thoughtful memoir is well worth your time and money. And may G-d comfort him for the loss of his wife and three children.