Category Archives: Yahoo! Sucks

Sick of the damned cold

It feels like it’s been a month since the temperature rose above 45 degrees, though it hasn’t been quite a week yet. But I’m thoroughly sick of it. Sick of living in Little WisconTex, with the temp falling into the 20s every night.

Thanks to help from my IT guru, aka The Fat Guy, at least the Scribbler finally has a home that’s not vulnerable to Yahoo!: what you see here is it, the good Lord willin’ and the creeks don’t rise—if they did they’d just freeze over anyhow.

We’ve transferred all the posts, comments, and media back to infinity and beyond (actually 2006) from Ye Olde Scribbler, so, as Darkwater wanted, the Rule 5 catalogue (among others) should be intact.

As for Ye Olde, she hasn’t been scuttled over the Mariana Trench yet, but that’s coming. So if you’re feeling sentimental, go say goodbye. And if you could bring us some proper, early December, 70-degree weather, I’d be forever grateful.

Ye olde Scribbler returns from the dead

Yahoo! has relinquished its hammerlock on the Ye Olde Texas Scribbler and brought it back from the dead. They have emailed me to bring my contact and billing info up to date—ten days after TS went MIA.

No explanation. Just you requested and we complied. Ten days late.

In the spirit of the hour, a mea culpa is in order: Going through old email this morning I discovered that I did receive a warning from them that if I didn’t sign off on their new terms of service by July 31, my account would be suspended until I did so by Sept. 30. After that the account would be canceled.

So I’m a dumb bunny, at the least. On the other hand…

Why would Yahoo! not notify me after Sept 30 that I had a day or so (or less) to get my site off their server? Why wait until late November to take the whole down and then confiscate it?

And after a tech in India talked me through signing the terms of service on Nov. 28, why confiscate my domain registration two days later? Does HQ not keep up with their techs? I guess not.

Yahoo! stopped charging me for hosting the blog in July. I didn’t notice, which is one of the problems of automatic payment. You forget about it. So technically, Yahoo! was in the right. But I still say they should have told me to get my $#@& property off their server, instead of just stealing it.

Now that the thieves have relinquished my site, to the extent of allowing me access to it, I have a decision to make: whether and when to bring it to this address. My IT guy is indisposed at the moment. When he’s available, we’ll talk it over and I’ll be sure to post here about whatever we decide.

For now, this is Ye Real Scribbler.

The thieves at Yahoo!

Even if Yahoo! was justified in taking down my old blog Texas Scribbler dot com, they had no right to steal it. I paid them every month to host it on the Web. Every month for seven years. I’m still paying them and will until I’m absolutely sure they won’t return my property.

The latest word from their low-level techs at Small Business Support is that Yahoo!’s engineering staff has my case under “further review.” They have no right to do that, either. If I was willing to pay some lawyer an open-ended amount of legal fees—at some ridiculous hourly rate—I could sue their fat California asses off.

But I’m not stupid. The only people who win lawsuits are lawyers.

The first tech I talked to, for an hour on Nov. 28, while other people were enjoying Thanksgiving, told me Yahoo!’s excuse for “deactivating” my blog the day before was that I had not signed off on the latest change in their terms of service. Very similar to what happened to this pediatrician. (He eventually got his site back, but not before a disruption in his business affairs for which, as you will see if you follow the link, he’s still angry.)

Yahoo! avers that I was notified to sign. I saw nothing. Even if their email went into my spam filter, I always check the spam before deleting it. There was nothing from them warning me to sign or they would steal my property. Nothing at all.

They have likewise stolen my domain name, which was registered with them. They had passed it on to an Australian firm for, what?, safekeeping? I was notified on Nov. 29 by the Aussie firm and Yahoo! that Yahoo! has reclaimed possession of my domain name. So they have stolen that, too.

I’m dealing with a criminal enterprise here disguised as a reputable international corporation. If that was not so Yahoo! would have notified me by now that, because I allegedly failed to sign their new terms of service, I had 24 hours to move my blog to someone else’s server and, oh, by the way, my domain name registration as well.

Instead, five days after they stole my property, my case is under “further review.” A pox on your house, Yahoo! So good of you to have already supplied the exclamation point. As my blog friend Akaky says, Johnathan Swift, who knew a Yahoo when he saw one, would have understood.

Those good Indian techs

The one bright spot in my dealings with Yahoo! in the past few days has been with three of their good support techs in India. I won’t use their names because the criminals at Yahoo! HQ in California might decide they were too helpful and punish them.

Some Americans complain about winding up with foreign tech support whenever they have a computer problem, and I may have done so myself once or twice. It’s their accented English that can make it irritating, but these guys were affable about slowing down their speech so my age-addled brain could process the sounds coming through the phone and my hearing aid. And they did their best all around and I appreciate it.

So just let me say thanks, guys. In the end, your employers refused to follow up your good support help and advice, but that’s not your fault. I hope we meet again under better circumstances. And that you get better jobs with a better company. I can’t imagine they treat you any better than they do their customers.

UPDATE:  And then there were four. The Indians are proliferating. This morning’s msg: “We’ve reported your case to our engineering specialists for further review.” I’m not holding my breath.


Scribbler’s fallback

Four days after Yahoo! trashed my old Texas Scribbler blog without any warning or explanation and still refuses to reestablish it, or free up my old database and files, I have founded this new one at WordPress dot com.

My experience with WordPress on two other blogs, and  has been good and so I hope that will be likewise with this one.

As far as I’m concerned Yahoo is a thief disguised as a corporation. They have no ethics and I would advise anyone considering allowing them to host a site to forget it. I’m not the only one who has suffered at their hands. But I would like very much to be the last.