Category Archives: Sexual Misconduct

“Rachel” Levine pushes gender surgery

“Rachel” Levine (Biden’s trans secretary of Health & Human Services) declares this the ‘Summer of Pride’ and proudly pushes harder for mutilating kids

Child sex changes

The Epoch Times, one of the best of the new internet news media, profiles Libby Emmons, a Canadian journalist, who cuts through the transgender bullshit.

“What is gender affirming care? It is child sex changes,” Emmons says, “That’s what it is. Don’t lie about it. Don’t use these words that are complete fabrications designed to obfuscate the truth.”

His Crookedness, Pedo Joe, weighs in

“President Joe Biden is using the bully pulpit to stigmatize parents who oppose transgenderism for their kids, even as a growing library of studies confirms public concerns about the safety of government-backed medical interventions.

“Biden spoke ahead of the scheduled, base-pleasing ‘pride month’ celebration at the White House, using his platform to criticize adults who are protecting children from so-called ‘gender-affirming’ treatments. Individuals who are worried about the far-left’s attempts to ‘affirm’ a confused child’s gender via hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and genital surgery are, according to Biden, ‘hysterical.’”

Via Breitbart News

Trivializing the profound

Some outrage, perhaps misplaced, from parents of students in a Long Island high school over an intimate sex survey. I couldn’t help keying on one question. It asked how many sex partners have you had in your life?

According to the Aggie this is a common question among teenagers these days. They call it the body count.

In fact, it reminds me of a recent Facebook “reel” as they call videos people can post now along with the family pics: A man and a woman meeting for the first time. She: I like you. He: I like you too. She: We should make love some time.

Sold for sex

Lurid, yes? Too bad it’s true. What is going on in our world?

UPDATE: PJMedia followed up the story, including the arrests.

MORE: It’s almost pervasive: 137 teachers arrested for sex crimes so far in 2022.

Modern Times

“Welcome To Kindergarten!

“Everyone say your name, your pronoun and sexual preferences.”

Via JimBob in the Washington Examiner

Hatin’ on Biden

Pedo Joe is easy to hate. I’ve despised him for forty years of his meanness and crooked buffoonery. But even I quail at this list of oldies. What a maroon. With a brain of oatmeal.

Via Instapundit

UPDATE: This takes the cake: tricking mush brain into agreeing with “Let’s go Brandon” which is “F Joe Biden” in disguise. On video for all the world to see.