Category Archives: Fiddle Stuff

Back to Beth

Beth Blackerby, that is, as I try to recall (and learn new) details about playing the violin. Violin Lab was where I started eleven years ago. So while I’ve been away from playing for four years, it feels like home.

Fiddle frustration

Trying to get back in the swing of violin playing after a three-year hiatus. I’ve forgotten so much and the new Silent I bought from Sweetwater is just too quiet. Need to insert the battery and use earbuds to hear what I’m doing. Perfect for apartment living (to not disturb the neighbors) but a frustration to players who are hard of hearing to begin with.

Silent Violin on backorder

Alas, my purchased Yamaha YSV 200 is backordered. Gonna be a while before it arrives. Meanwhile I will read the manual. It’s short. From all I can tell of the reviews, its sound is conversational level. Which should work. We have good neighbors. Don’t want to annoy them.

Dream music

I met Duke Ellington in a dream the other night (seven plus years ago) in a remarkably small theater after his ensemble had concluded their 1927 composition Black & Tan Fantasy.

I tried to bum a cigarette from the great jazzman, but he refused. I thanked him for doing that. “It will make a better story,” I said. Then I woke up with a smile.

When I told my fiddle teacher about it, he wasn’t surprised. “You’ve been playing his music,” he said. Spooky instrument, the fiddle.

Buying an electric violin

I stopped playing my acoustic 4/4 about two years ago due to condo living. Simply too loud for the neighbors. The Yamaha YSV200 Silent isn’t really silent but makes a lot less sound than an acoustic, even with a steel or rubber mute, according to the reviews I’ve read. Conversational voice level, according to one reviewer. Played with headphones or earbuds for an acoustic sound. If I’m ever going to get back to the fiddle, it may be just what I need. Stay tuned, so to speak.

UPDATE: I bought one. Now to see if it’s satisfying.

Fiddle teacher father

My former fiddle teacher, James Anderson, is a new father. Good luck, dad!

APQ joins symphony

Our old friends the Austin Piazzolla Quintet has a big gig coming up if you live in Wilmington, North Carolina. On Nov 16, they’ll be performing with the Wilmington Symphony orchestra.

For ticket information, if you live in or near there, or can journey there in time, go here. (Lucky you.) We, alas, do not/cannot, so we’ll have to hope there’s a YouTube version or await the CD.