Michelle Antoinette on, what else, vacation

Friends of ours, whose son is one of Mr. Boy’s chums from Kindergarten days, returned Monday from their weekend ski trip to Aspen. They report no sign of Michelle Antoinette, our ever-vacationing First, ahem, Lady. So this is not a surprise.

Our friends made their money the old-fashioned way: they earned it. Queen Michelle just charges everything to the taxpayers. While her husband runs for re-election as a champion of the poor and the middle-class—terms which, thanks to him, are becoming synonymous. And gas prices already above $4 a gallon will quash vacations this summer for many of the little people.

0 responses to “Michelle Antoinette on, what else, vacation

  1. No worries, new shiny green bills are printed as we speak.

  2. That does seem to be the Democrat approach to economics.