Background checks are de facto registration

Background checks for gun purchases are universal already, despite King Barry’s lies about them, except in private sales which the feds will never get control of no matter how many laws the pols pass.

And supposedly the background check is not a form of gun registration because the feds are supposedly prohibited from keeping the background check records.

And you should also believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus.

So if, as is probable, the oft-lying bureaucrats are keeping those background check records, then we already have a form of gun registration. Meaning that the feds already know who has a gun and who doesn’t—except those of us who owned them before the background checks were instituted and have not bought any since then—which would enhance any subsequent attempt to confiscate them.

And what our uncrowned king did the other day with his monarchial magic wand—ordering disparate federal agencies and even private doctors to contribute to the checks—will only make keeping the background checks more likely. Which is one reason Gun Owners of America, a smaller but tougher outfit than the better-known NRA, and even smaller 2nd Amendment groups, will fight back with lawsuits.

0 responses to “Background checks are de facto registration

  1. This is a tough one to resolve (for me), to tell the truth. How does a gun shop owner/seller separate a normal gun purchaser from a mentally ill homicidal maniac? Dunno…

    • You start from a faulty premise. This is not the Soviet Union, nor Socialist Israel, where gun registration was/is the norm.

      It’s not a shop owner’s job to distinguish between the sane and insane. S/he can refuse to sell to anyone, if s/he wants to risk a lawsuit, but otherwise…

      The insane would not be running loose in the first place but for government’s closure of mental hospitals over civil rights issues, instead of fixing the issues.

      Besides, the U.S. Constitution says I have a right to keep and bear arms—no ifs, ands or buts about it.

  2. Since I moved to the People’s Republic of Oregon, I’ve bought several firearms & was subjected to the background check, which I passed each time in the space of about 15-20 minutes. Why some other states require 5 days is beyond me, other than to allow us crazies to “cool down”, as opposed to the woman who has been threatened by a stalker.

    So why do they want to know the type & serial number of the weapon I’m buying?

    And I fully agree — this is not my first rodeo: I have several firearms that I inhereted or acquired elsewhere from the time before I moved to Oregon. There are scads more people in the same situation. How can the Feds possibly track that? Or how many firearms have been gifted, left to, lost, or stolen over the years?

    It’s a grab for power, pure & simple.

  3. The type and serial number? Yep. Why, indeed would they need that unless they were keeping the records. I understand the delay in Texas is only a few minutes. I haven’t tried it yet, but I may, or I just may buy from an acquaintance and skip the paperwork altogether.

    The feds do much of what they do for window-dressing, to make the pols look good on the Democrat news media’s issue du jour, but I’m sure the really die-hard Leftists, like Barry, would like to go much further.

    Wouldn’t work, of course, as most gun owners wouldn’t comply with confiscation, but why should there be such a thing in the first place. It couldn’t stop Newtowns. Only armed security in schools can do that and, lo and behold, the gun grabbers are against that.