Tag Archives: coal-fired power plant nixed

Barry kills more jobs

This time it’s the loss of an estimated 3,900 direct and indirect jobs for construction of a new coal-fired electric power plant in Corpus Christi. Barry’s EPA doesn’t like coal, remember, so they killed the permit for the project, despite the fact that most 42 percent of American electricity is created by burning coal.

I suppose the EPA would rather folks in Corpus cut back on their use of electricity or else hook up to such intermittent (and very expensive) power sources as wind generators and inefficient solar cells. More likely, though, the bureaucrats simply don’t care. D.C. is enjoying an economic boom on our taxes, though it’s mainly the pols and the rest of the 1 percent who are rolling in the dough.

UPDATE:  This is only the latest Texas power plant to be closed by King Putz’s EPA. Five others also are on the block. One in Pasadena, one in Lone Star, two in Mount Pleasant and one in Pittsburg.