Tag Archives: gender discrimination

Gender discrimination

Gender discrimination is just fine when it’s women teachers imposing it on little boys.

This item about the first grader in Maryland being kicked out of school for pointing his index finger at another kid and saying POW! doesn’t surprise me. It’s not the first time either. We have that malarkey even in Texas.

I still see Mr. B.’s b**ch of a second-grade teacher at the grocery now and then and have a hard time not giving her my middle finger. She acts as if we’re all buddies now. Pig.

She’s apparently forgotten what she did when she saw Mr. B. drawing knights fighting monsters with swords and later with machine guns. She insisted that he was potentially dangerous and that we take him to a psychiatrist. Mrs. C., being the compliant type when it comes to authority, agreed and we did.

The psych had a meaningless little chat with him about his likes and dislikes and then wrote a prescription for Ritalin, or one of its generic varieties. I refused to fill it and Mrs. C. agreed. In the trash it went. At least they didn’t kick him out of school. If he’d done the finger gun, however, they might have.