Tag Archives: Gun Owners of America

Background checks are de facto registration

Background checks for gun purchases are universal already, despite King Barry’s lies about them, except in private sales which the feds will never get control of no matter how many laws the pols pass.

And supposedly the background check is not a form of gun registration because the feds are supposedly prohibited from keeping the background check records.

And you should also believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus.

So if, as is probable, the oft-lying bureaucrats are keeping those background check records, then we already have a form of gun registration. Meaning that the feds already know who has a gun and who doesn’t—except those of us who owned them before the background checks were instituted and have not bought any since then—which would enhance any subsequent attempt to confiscate them.

And what our uncrowned king did the other day with his monarchial magic wand—ordering disparate federal agencies and even private doctors to contribute to the checks—will only make keeping the background checks more likely. Which is one reason Gun Owners of America, a smaller but tougher outfit than the better-known NRA, and even smaller 2nd Amendment groups, will fight back with lawsuits.