No, We Won’t

Unlike Bob the Builder’s "Yes, We Can!" which is charmingly invigorating to children, Baby Barry’s "Vero Possumus" is vaguely creepy to this adult. It goes with his promise of unspecified "Change!", his warning on Friday that his opponents are racists, and his eagerness to court the world’s dictators. Now he’s put it on his egotistical redesign of the presidential seal. None of which would be especially alarming until you consider "who sent him," in the parlance of Chicago’s machine politics. California law professor Steve Diamond concludes that it may have been, quite literally, the old, Leftist revolutionary Weather Underground–a former leader of which, ex-terrorist Bill Ayers, BB-the-Great-Prevaricator has dismissed as a "guy who lives in my neighborhood" despite their long involvement.

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