Why I always turn to Fox News first

Because our Affirmative Action president hates them and he has been hating them out loud since the first year of his pathetic, Muslim Brotherhood-lovin’ reign. Not unlike many leftist “journalists” who can’t stand the thought of anyone not marching in lockstep with them or their beloved NYTimes.

“Recently, the White House has kept Fox News off of conference calls dealing with the Benghazi attack, despite Fox News being the only outlet that was regularly reporting on it and despite Fox having top notch foreign policy reporters.”

No problem. Fox will get there first anyhow. Journalism is supposed to be about objective competition. It really isn’t and never was, which is why I will always turn to a contrary outlet like Fox News before I’ll wade through the sandbox of the sycophants, particularly Barry’s adoring pets in the alphabet media.

0 responses to “Why I always turn to Fox News first

  1. Hm… bias on the side of administration is inexcusable, no matter whether it’s aimed left or right. Even if the media channel is biased, according to the administration’s opinion. Bad.

  2. That’s Barry for you. A divider not a uniter.