Monthly Archives: January 2013

Best use for dogs

Hardly anyone uses them for hunting anymore, so all they do is litter the streets, sidewalks, and lawns with their poop. For every one dog lover who picks up Fido’s poop on their walk about town, at least ten do not.

Not to mention the annoying barking. So either bring back the Cyanosphere (above) and its quiet, environmentally-friendly (and sustainable, need we say sustainable) locomotion, or euthanize the pesky critters. I could do with fewer cats, too, but at least cats use litter boxes and rarely howl.

Altho even the Cyanosphere could have a poop or noise problem, without a doggy bag attachment and a muzzle. You could forgo the topper, the parasol, and the petticoats, tho they do add a nice, antique touch to the ensemble.

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer!

It’s pretty common nowadays to compare politicians you don’t like, especially presidents, to Adolph Hitler. It’s not often that the politician does it for you by repeating two-thirds of the Nazi’s favorite slogan of “one people, one nation, one leader.”

From Barry’s inaugural speech on his collectivist, statist aims of more spending, more entitlements and more regulation: “Now, more than ever, we must do these things together, as one nation, and one people.”

But, as PJMedia’s Michael Ledeen says, neither Barry nor many other American politicians today fit the old Fascist mold of charismatic old warriors leading anew:

“Fascists don’t change the world by ‘leading from behind.’  They take charge in front of the troops….we are a long way from the cult of personality that dominated Italy and Germany in the fascist epoch.”

Taking charge in front of the troops is one thing we’ll likely never see Barry do, not even in rhetoric, much less in practice. Could you imagine him in Patton’s movie uniform of shiny helmet and jodhpurs? Of course not.

He likes his speeches pedestrian, his socialism comfortable, and lots of expensive vacations and time for golf. Which is why, as Ledeen says, the jihadis consider him “a weakling, a loser and a pushover.”

For us, however, Barry’s inherent laziness and refusal to negotiate for what he wants might well be his most redeeming qualities.

Why I joined the NRA, a continuing series

I like their scorched-earth defense of the Second Amendment, which an otherwise good book I’m reading (Glock: The Rise of America’s Gun) contends is counterproductive. The author claims the NRA tries to keep gun owners fearful of losing their right to “keep and bear” a gun, which brings in new members and subscription payments to keep the NRA in business.

I think the NRA is right on target, especially when Leftist Democrats are in power, as they are now, since they like nothing better than to ban things they disagree with and to invent new regulations for Americans to obey. And Barry clearly fits the mold of a gun-grabbing bigot.

The more that guys like King Scold use tragedies like Newtown to blame the gun instead of the shooter, the more support the antigunners get. Recent polls suggest it’s only a matter of time until gun-rights pols will be looking over their shoulders to see antigunner opponents gaining on them.

So the more the NRA attacks such methods, the better the chance of avoiding new gun restrictions. I loved their recent ad underscoring the hypocrisy of the 1 percent, such as MSNBC’s David Gregory, who send their children to private schools with armed security while they refuse to support it for the children of the 99 percent.

What the Hillary was going on?

Marco Rubio and most of the other Republicans took the Hildabeast through one boring boilerplate recitation after another at yesterday’s senate hearing on Benghazi. No wonder they can’t win the presidency. As my mother-in-law said of Romney before he was nominated: “No balls.”

Which goes double for McCain, the first loser to King Scold.

Whatever you think of his Texas father (and I don’t think much) young Rand Paul of Kentucky was the only one with any guts who simultaneously sounded intelligent:

“I’m glad that you’re accepting responsibility,” Paul said to our multiple cuckolded secretary of state whose idea of taking responsibility is mouthing empty words with a furrowed brow but without suffering any consequences.

“I think that ultimately with your leaving, you accept the culpability for the worst tragedy since 9/11. And I really mean that. Had I been president at the time, and I found that you did not read the cables from Benghazi, you did not read the cables from Ambassador Stevens [requesting more security], I would have relieved you of your post. I think it’s inexcusable.”

It is but it won’t stop her from running for president in 2016. Meanwhile, next up on the Democrat state department responsibility-with-no-consequences circuit: the Catsup King, better known as Lurch, who may finally show us his magic hat.

Broken Lance

The media has always obsessed on so-called heroes and role models. Now they bemoan that the athlete-hero Lance Armstrong has proved to be another hollow man who lied and cheated to get his way.

Actually he proved that for me a long time ago when he left his wife, Kristin Richards, and their three children to cavort with rocker Sheryl Crow. The media, hypocritical as always, ignored his treachery to his own. So did the Austin pols who touted him—for their own fame and money, of course.

I didn’t grow up with any heroes or role models that I recall, other than my father whose work ethic on our behalf and loyalty to my mother inspired me. Too few children nowadays have a father. They’d be a lot better off with a father than imitating selfish fame- and money-whores like Armstrong.

Ain’t it the truth

Indeed. Tricky Dickie was a piker compared to thieves like Harry Reid, Barry and Slick Willie. Not that the Democrat-media complex that drove Nixon to resign will ever admit it.

King Scold

“No one has good faith but him. No one is sincere but him. Doesn’t this get boring, even to him?”

As Peggy Noonan says, he sounds a lot like Richard Nixon: Paranoid and self-pitying. But even Nixon negotiated. Barry refuses to negotiate. He scolds.

I expect it’s his Affirmative Action background. When you’re used to being handed free what you want you forget how to work for it. If you ever knew.

I won’t watch his inauguration. I don’t care what King Scold has to say. It’s never been very helpful. I remember that he ran in ’08 on a kind of bring-us-together platform. Inspired a lot of people. Then, in his first week in office he reversed course: He attacked Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, both of which drive his fellow Leftists crazy. Heh.

In last year’s campaign, Barry was an attack dog all the way (nary a hint of bring-us-together), and he’s kept it up ever since. Nothing new for him. Apparently, he’s trying to rally the Leftists to vote for enough Democrats to take back the House in 2014 so he can ram son-of-Obamacare through or start confiscating guns. Or else he’s really just Nixon with a tan.

UPDATE:  His inaugural speech: Partisan, pedestrian platitudes. Yep.