Will Israel finish the job?

Roger Kimball’s piece in American Greatness is headlined in the affirmative. But I’ve seen too many ceasefires on Israel’s side to be confident. Nevertheless, as Kimball puts it: “The main reason to be grateful for this horrific carnage [of October 7] follows from the revelation it afforded. In the first place, by acting with such savage and sanguinary abandon—deliberately targeting the young and helpless, the old and infirm, raping, mutilating, beheading—Hamas in effect signed its own death warrant.”

Via American Greatness

3 responses to “Will Israel finish the job?

  1. I put my hope in the IDF, but I’m also unsure if they will carry through. If they don’t, the West has ultimately sent its invitation to all barbarians of the world to come for us. But it’s also not my life on the line. Hence I feel an obligation on my part to sh*t the f up while the military is searching booby trapped tunnels. So far there have been few casualties on Israel’s side. I pray that the number keeps low.

    If you think about it, a ceasefire means nothing but horror for the Arab civilians in Gaza. The longer they are displaced, the more will the medical and food supply be strained. As far as I know, Israel has signalled that they support humanitarian supplies, particularly in the south. But there is no way anything can be done in the North, but carrying through swiftly. Hamas, which will not keep a ceasefire anyway, is shooting civilians who try to go south. So the only way humanitarian aid can reach the North is by trucks that cannot return. It makes no sense. For those civilians in the North there is nothing they can do, but to grab the wedding guns and visit the Hamas tunnels. The Hamas can share gas and food. They’ve got plenty.

    Once Hamas is dethroned, the Gaza strip will need what it had been sorely missing for all these years of the blockade: an occupation. Isn’t that a swell idea? They need a de-Nazification program like the Germans. Once they wear lederhosen and drink beer with Japanese tourists in a big tent with brass-band music, the Arabs can be left alone again, but until then they need some little help from a friend. Call this colonialism, if you wish! I call it just an attempt to sell pretzels.

    I know people whose families are in Israel, but the closer the relationship once was, the more I shy away from asking how they are. It makes me uncomfortable. Also anti-Semitism is through the roof. There are all these freaks who can hardly hide that they detest Netanyahu more than the Islamists. The public broadcaster ARD was running into two angry situations with the IDF recently while filming in the West bank. Why are they in the West bank now? Because settler violence claims, you know. So they try to create this moral equidistance between individual crimes (by the way: if true at all) and the genocidal Islamists. And then they have the audacity to complain about check-point waiting time and angry soldiers in Judea & Samaria. Outside of those editorial rooms the world did not know that it wants to hear, ‘I’ve got nussing against the Juss, but I sink, we should have an eye on zem before zey act out!’ Two incidents so far. *eye roll*

  2. Listening to Dan Senor and several Israelis on various podcasts makes me think the IDF is taking it slowly and methodically which will takes months. Which Bibi alone may be capable of getting them as Biden turns coward and starts pressuring for a ceasefire. He is such a criminal, our president, that he will not keep his word. He may be a Zionist but he’s not a very loyal one. Or, well, maybe, just to put a hopeful positive outlook on it. Nah. Texas, even Austin, loves Israel. Still, I took the mezuzah off the front door. Not Torah-kosher but I’d rather be safe than wounded or dead.

    • Many people took off their mezuzot! Better furious than injured. On a conservative news blog I read an interview with Simone Schermann who heads one of those cultural understanding whatever organisations. Hers is called ‘German-Israeli Committee’ (verbatim name: Deutsch-Israelischer Arbeitskreis). She described her weeks since Simchat Torah like an extended shiva. She withdrew to her apartment and into a state of depression and she doesn’t feel like discussing anything anymore. In the past she tried to warn of jihadists as a member of CDU, a party which had a somewhat conservative period some time ago, and later she changed to the AfD. At this point her verdict is that Germany simply doesn’t have a single conservative party. You either have pro-German folklore kitsch or anti-German folklore kitsch. Nothing is substantial. I’m becoming disaffected, too. She also describes how she is tired by all those people who can never be bothered with anything. The ‘centrists.’ I guess, that’s how we are supposed to worship them. On the other hand I know from my own experience that bouts of depression come and go. It is how it is and it will pass somehow.