Tag Archives: best use for dogs

Best use for dogs

Hardly anyone uses them for hunting anymore, so all they do is litter the streets, sidewalks, and lawns with their poop. For every one dog lover who picks up Fido’s poop on their walk about town, at least ten do not.

Not to mention the annoying barking. So either bring back the Cyanosphere (above) and its quiet, environmentally-friendly (and sustainable, need we say sustainable) locomotion, or euthanize the pesky critters. I could do with fewer cats, too, but at least cats use litter boxes and rarely howl.

Altho even the Cyanosphere could have a poop or noise problem, without a doggy bag attachment and a muzzle. You could forgo the topper, the parasol, and the petticoats, tho they do add a nice, antique touch to the ensemble.