Tag Archives: broken Lance

Broken Lance

The media has always obsessed on so-called heroes and role models. Now they bemoan that the athlete-hero Lance Armstrong has proved to be another hollow man who lied and cheated to get his way.

Actually he proved that for me a long time ago when he left his wife, Kristin Richards, and their three children to cavort with rocker Sheryl Crow. The media, hypocritical as always, ignored his treachery to his own. So did the Austin pols who touted him—for their own fame and money, of course.

I didn’t grow up with any heroes or role models that I recall, other than my father whose work ethic on our behalf and loyalty to my mother inspired me. Too few children nowadays have a father. They’d be a lot better off with a father than imitating selfish fame- and money-whores like Armstrong.