Tag Archives: Lance Armstrong

Broken Lance

The media has always obsessed on so-called heroes and role models. Now they bemoan that the athlete-hero Lance Armstrong has proved to be another hollow man who lied and cheated to get his way.

Actually he proved that for me a long time ago when he left his wife, Kristin Richards, and their three children to cavort with rocker Sheryl Crow. The media, hypocritical as always, ignored his treachery to his own. So did the Austin pols who touted him—for their own fame and money, of course.

I didn’t grow up with any heroes or role models that I recall, other than my father whose work ethic on our behalf and loyalty to my mother inspired me. Too few children nowadays have a father. They’d be a lot better off with a father than imitating selfish fame- and money-whores like Armstrong.

I’m with Lance

Whatever the anti-doping agency does to Lance Armstrong today, which apparently will be to strip him of his seven Tour De France titles for alleged use of steroids, nobody will be fooled. He won them. That’s obvious.

And while I have no more idea than anyone else whether the charges against him are true, I respect his refusal to play along with an agency that seems not to be governed by normal American rules of judicial procedure.*

Like most people in Austin and elsewhere who revere him, I’m with Lance.

“USADA’s conduct raises serious questions about whether its real interest in charging Armstrong is to combat doping, or if it is acting according to less noble motives,” such as politics or publicity, U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks wrote.

UPDATE:  On Oct. 18, we learn that Nike, Trek and other big name commercial outfits have dropped their contracts with Lance. They say they’re convinced by the quasi-fed agency’s “proof,” though it’s more likely they don’t want to buck the feds.

I’ll still take Lance’s continued denial of using steroids and, anyhow, I don’t care if athletes use steroids and I don’t see how it’s any business of the government, which has far too much involvement in our lives as it is.

Golly, Lance

The blogosphere seems to be competing, here and here, to see who can post the smelliest jokes about former Lance Armstrong grilfriend, singer Sheryl Crow’s suggestion that we all save the environment by using one sheet of toilet paper. Or three at the most. Typical celebrity solution. Unlike the jokers my guess is Crow would never, ever, practice what she preaches. Anymore than Al Gore will ever cut back on his electricity.