Tag Archives: the party of bull connor and the KKK

Democrats: The party of Bull Connor, segregation, and the KKK

Yes, but, of course, the Republican Party is the party of white people. So says the New Republic, or rather its latest Leftist iteration. And, as always, its author is history-challenged, as Ann Coulter so effective demonstrates:

“In the presidential campaign the year before [1956], the Republican platform had expressly endorsed the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education [desegregating public schools]. The Democratic platform did not.

“To the contrary, that year, 99 members of Congress signed the ‘Southern Manifesto’ denouncing the court’s ruling in Brown. Two were Republicans. Ninety-seven were Democrats.”

Even the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the watershed law that finally vanquished almost a hundred years of racial segregation, could not have passed without votes from the “party of white people.”