Monthly Archives: January 2013

Background checks are de facto registration

Background checks for gun purchases are universal already, despite King Barry’s lies about them, except in private sales which the feds will never get control of no matter how many laws the pols pass.

And supposedly the background check is not a form of gun registration because the feds are supposedly prohibited from keeping the background check records.

And you should also believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus.

So if, as is probable, the oft-lying bureaucrats are keeping those background check records, then we already have a form of gun registration. Meaning that the feds already know who has a gun and who doesn’t—except those of us who owned them before the background checks were instituted and have not bought any since then—which would enhance any subsequent attempt to confiscate them.

And what our uncrowned king did the other day with his monarchial magic wand—ordering disparate federal agencies and even private doctors to contribute to the checks—will only make keeping the background checks more likely. Which is one reason Gun Owners of America, a smaller but tougher outfit than the better-known NRA, and even smaller 2nd Amendment groups, will fight back with lawsuits.

Gender discrimination

Gender discrimination is just fine when it’s women teachers imposing it on little boys.

This item about the first grader in Maryland being kicked out of school for pointing his index finger at another kid and saying POW! doesn’t surprise me. It’s not the first time either. We have that malarkey even in Texas.

I still see Mr. B.’s b**ch of a second-grade teacher at the grocery now and then and have a hard time not giving her my middle finger. She acts as if we’re all buddies now. Pig.

She’s apparently forgotten what she did when she saw Mr. B. drawing knights fighting monsters with swords and later with machine guns. She insisted that he was potentially dangerous and that we take him to a psychiatrist. Mrs. C., being the compliant type when it comes to authority, agreed and we did.

The psych had a meaningless little chat with him about his likes and dislikes and then wrote a prescription for Ritalin, or one of its generic varieties. I refused to fill it and Mrs. C. agreed. In the trash it went. At least they didn’t kick him out of school. If he’d done the finger gun, however, they might have.

An oldie but a goodie

I was opposed to King Barry’s second term, partly because I don’t think any politician should have a second term. Particularly not our current crop of mental and ethical incompetents. It would solve a lot of problems.

The Hebrew, on a bumper sticker that was popular in Israel in 2007 reads: “Diapers and politicians should be replaced frequently and for the same reason.”

(Hack propagandist/journalists like Bob Schieffer should be added to the list also.)

Via Simply Jews.

Why I joined the NRA

Because it puts me in direct and open opposition to venal morons like Bob Schieffer, a cBS hack and Democrat propagandist who should have been retired long ago.

Hey, this could become part of a continuing series.

Good on ya, Rick

“…the piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media, to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts me, personally.”

From Gov. Perry’s statement on President Obama’s new gun control measures.

Texas rep threatens to disobey new gun laws

Back in the day, editors refused to print stories about what some pol “planned” to do. They insisted on waiting until he actually did it. Even broadcast journalists generally obeyed the rule.

Not anymore, apparently. Not when it comes to threatening to disobey new federal laws on guns, whether passed by Congress or imposed by King Barry’s magic “executive” wand.

Personally, I think the Tan Man is blowing a lot of smoke and will actually do nothing very controversial, such as banning semiautomatics or requiring registration for all gun owners.

He’s mainly trying to distract attention from the soaring national debt and what it means for all the rubber checks he’s handing out. But The Gun Salesman of the Century obviously has some folks running scared. Or at least mouthy.

UPDATE:  Indeed, unless I’m misreading something, Barry’s 23 magic wand pronouncements don’t seem controversial to me. The proposed assault gun ban might be, depending on its definition of an “assault gun,” but otherwise…

As for his enhancement of background checks, well, to my mind they already infringe on the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Indeed, they are a de facto form of registration, since the feds would henceforth know you had bought a gun. But they seem to have been upheld by our robed rulers long ago. They’re not something King Barry did.

MORE:  Well, there is the one “order” about how your doctor can (should? must?) ask you about whether you have guns in your home. Ha. He can ask. I will tell him it’s none of his business.

NRA: Barry an “elitest hypocrite”

Hey, no kidding. This is a good video the NRA (of which I am a member) has produced on armed security in all schools versus only those for Obozo and the rest of the 1 percent.

But don’t be misled by the WaPo’s remarks at the link  (and probably the rest of the Democrat-controlled news media) which only confirms that Barry’s kids are protected by Secret Service (when they’re not out whoring). Their private Sidwell Friends school has armed guards for all its students.