Jihad is everywhere

Islam is not a religion of peace, far from it. And jihad is more than bombs.

“No, jihad is an eternal, all-encompassing unholy war against the unbeliever. It is waged in the mind of the believer, to fortify his or her own courage and faith. It is waged online and in the pages of books and magazines, to simultaneously cultivate the hatred and contempt of the committed for the kafir — the unbeliever — while also currying favor, appeasement, and advantage from the gullible West. Jihad is the teaching in the mosque. It is the prayer in the morning, the social-media post in the afternoon, and the donation to an Islamic “charity” in the evening.

“There is jihad in predatory, coordinated sexual assault, there is jihad when Western camera crews are chased from Muslim neighborhoods, and there is jihad when Muslim apologists invariably crawl from the sewers of Western intelligentsia, blaming Europeans for the imperfections in their life-saving hospitality. So don’t make the mistake of believing that Europe or America only ‘periodically’ or ‘rarely’ deal with jihad. We confront it every day, just as the world has confronted it — to greater or lesser degrees — ever since Muslim armies first emerged from the Arabian peninsula. While not all Muslims are jihadists, jihad is so deeply imprinted in the DNA of Islam that the world will confront it as long as Islam lives.”

Maybe Trump’s idea of limiting Muslim immigration is a good idea. And Ted’s idea of policing existing Muslim neighborhoods isn’t so bad after all. If it can be implemented without succumbing to the inevitable lawsuits and PC babble.

Otherwise, Islam must die.

Via NRO and Instapundit.

UPDATE:  Richard Fernandez at PJMedia: “The global jihad’s response to ponderous, pre-announced offensive against ISIS in Syria was long anticipated: they would counterattack.” Paris, San Bernadino, Brussels. Next?

7 responses to “Jihad is everywhere

  1. The above is exactly right. Islam was began by the sword, spread by the sword, and is maintained by the sword. Only fools think differently.
    You might like this guy Stanley,

  2. Thanks. I’ve always liked Richard, or Wretchard as he called himself in his blogging days.

  3. Cruz idea of policing – nope, it doesn’t solve the problem of safe houses with bomb making labs. Only good intel can prevent terrorism and even nip it at the bud. So it is always back to Shin Bet textbooks.

  4. Policing provides intel. I think some of what Cruz is saying is already happening here.

  5. “Policing provides intel.” I beg to differ. Look at Belgium. My reference to Shin Bet wasn’t a random one – they are nigh a single outfit in the world that succeeds to really do preventive work and not just react to what happens. Their penetration of the “market” is really singular, and police or policing have nothing to do with it. Of course, they miss sometimes too, but all in all what they do is a great job.

  6. Shin Bet, I suppose, infiltrates. Which works of course. So does so-called “community policing,” which is controversial with some cops because it takes them out of their cruisers and has them walking a neighborhood beat. Usually a high-crime neighborhood. After a while, depending on the quality of the cop, the good guys start to deliver tips on past or upcoming crimes. That’s the theory, anyhow, and it has worked in NYC, and Austin, the only two I’ve read about.

  7. Oh yes, “community policing” – yes, way better than cruiser drive-bys .