Tag Archives: Dubya

Good on ya, Dubya


I could have asked for a lot more communication with us all on the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns, Gitmo, the Patriot Act, etc. George fell on his butt there. Quite inexplicably. Maybe someday we’ll find out why. But, in general, as John Weidner lists so well, the fellow I voted for in 2004 will leave office with a lot more accomplished than the partisan Big Media would have you believe–certainly more than his despicable predecessor Slick Wllie who always has communicated well but delivered little but sleeze. All in all, a very tough act for Barry to follow, which Barry is already dropping the ball on by appointing that lying dimwit Hilarity as his secretary of state. If he doesn’t want to go down in history as merely the first (half) black man in the White House, he’d better get it together. Not that I care. I want him to be a one-termer.

Give ’em hell, Dubya

It isn’t popular and that’s why someone needs to do it. Stand up for President Bush. And VDH is just the guy to do it. Like him, I could wish, however, for a more forceful defense of Dubya’s wartime and other policies by the president himself: April’s 5 percent unemployment was lower than March; more than 95 percent of mortgages are not in foreclosure; 0.6 percent growth is not a recession; the stock market is sky-high; and the Maliki government finally is moving the Iraqi government in the right direction. The arguments are on your side, George.