Tag Archives: Mrs. Charm

Dream a little dream of me

Feels like a gift from Mrs. Charm. Although I found it on another blog, it just feels like a gift. I’ve read of such roundabout messages. Nice to experience one. Thanks, my love.

UPDATE: Timely, too, as our 28th wedding anniversary is the 11th.


White roses for the 1st anniversary of her passing


Mrs. Charm’s new scholarship


Two months in the making, it’s official now. Mr. B. and I believe it’s important to work through our sorrow by honoring his mother in ways that help others. And the scholarship is a reminder that she also needed financial assistance to finish college. We plan to add to the endowment over the next few years to make the scholarship even more valuable to its recipients. They will be journalism undergraduates chosen by the university based on their need and merit.

Deer hunting with a revolver

Mrs. Charm’s uncle, Dave Cox, retired Air Force, retired Virginia sheriff’s deputy, likes to hunt deer with a handgun.

“I’m sure there are some that think I’m nuts for using a revolver for deer hunting… Those deer that have ended up in the skillet could tell a different story. Ruger .357 magnum is an excellent caliber for deer, and if they’re within 60 yards, in woods so thick you can’t flip a booger any farther than 5 feet, a long barrel just gets in the way. Gotta save that long barrel ammo for those who think they’re gonna do some gun confiscation… 2nd Amendment lives!”

Takes a lot of skill to stalk prey close enough for a hand gun kill without spooking them away. Not to mention really great aim without benefit of a scope. One of these days…

Via Facebook.

Valentine’s Day with Mom

Mr. Boy and I took this rose and baby’s breath to the cemetery this morning and put in on his mother’s grave. We stayed a while talking about all the fun things Mrs. Charm used to do for us on Valentine’s: special breakfasts, lots of candy and cards. I’d buy the flowers.

It was warm but overcast and windy. At least it was quiet since we got there before the church crowd was released and its mourners convened. We plan to go back and do the same on her birthday. Maybe take a small cake and share it between us. I plan to order the stone later this week.

There is no “closure” with the grief over a lost loved one. You just learn to live with it. Creating new rituals is one way of coping. Mr. B. seemed a little less pensive afterwards. We both have a long way to go.

The Purloined Cameo

I’ve been gathering Mrs. C.’s jewelry in their various boxes to put in one to offer a chance to her best girlfriends, her mother and aunt, my sisters and nieces to take a piece or two to remember her by.

In the course of which I also gathered the pieces I want to save for Mr. B., including some he might someday want to present to his wife. But one of them, an ivory cameo hung like a pendant on a chain which I wanted to keep for myself, was missing.

Couldn’t figure out where it could have gone. Searched and searched. I know she wore it occasionally. So where was it? Finally gave up. Then not thinking about it at all, I finally saw it, draped over a framed photograph on the wall.

Like Poe’s “Purloined Letter” it had been “hidden” in plain sight all along.

When boring is good

Mrs. Charm’s struggle with Stage III Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, DLBCL continues towards apparent remission. So little has changed in the past month it’s become boring to write of and easy to forget to do it.

Fourth chemo session Monday is producing the same familiar exhaustion, and the white-blood cells booster shot on Tuesday some bone pain, but neither was unexpected.

She’s due for another scan next week, a PET this time, after which we’ll know for sure if the cancer continues to retreat from her lymph nodes. That’s what the most recent blood test suggests and the doc found nothing worrisome.

So there are times when boring is good and this is one of them.